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加入时间:2008-11-6           作者:王嫣/江力
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  编者按:2007年4月,本所与全省发行的英文杂志IN TOUCH(月刊)建立合作关系,由国际经贸法律部负责编写英文稿件,结合外国人、外国企业关心的常见法律事务,分“住在杭州”、“行在杭州”、 “创业在杭州”、“生活在杭州”等版块,在2007年5月至2008年4 月的每期杂志上刊登一个版面的文章。本所还担任了该刊物的姐妹报纸HANGZHOU WEEKLY的常年法律顾问。以下是本所刊登在IN TOUCH 杂志2007年10月的稿件。

IPR Protections in Yiwu Small-Commodities Market

Yiwu Market, the country’s largest small-commodities wholesale market, covers the business area of 2.6 million square meters and hosts 58 thousand stalls. There are 200 thousand businessmen arriving in the city every day, trading 400 thousand kinds of products from 41 industries, including nearly all everyday household items, whatever imaginable.

Surfing the sea of commodities are not only domestic businessmen but also overseas traders. In the “commodities rush”, while everyone dreams of wealth, I do believe some of them have been or are being vexed with counterfeit“ Addisas” socks or “Pentane ”shampoo.

Spurred by its own growing economy and partially Western pressure as well, the IP law of the country is becoming sophisticated day by day and it does provide the tools to fight against such infringements. Here are the general approaches:

a. to report to the Industry and Commerce Bureau or the Complaint Service Center. The Yiwu IP Complaint Service Center was officially established on 28th, August, 2006, which is amongst the 50 IP Compliant Service Centers across the country, and is the only center of county level.

12312 is the hotline and complaints need to be made in Chinese at present.

It is an efficient and low-cost approach. It can stop the infringement immediately to mitigate the loss. The disadvantages are that economic compensation is not directly awarded and the punishment record merely provides evidential support for civil claims.

b. to institute a litigation. Claims such as to stop infringement, to apologize, and to pay the damages can be awarded by the judicial approach, and it may serve the purpose of reaching the licensing agreement with the infringer as well. However, the infringee has to face the problems of procedural complexity and time length. Immediate remedy for the current interests of the infringee lacks. Therefore, it is our suggestion that approach a and b are jointly adopted.

Whichever approach to take, evidence is always crucial. There are generally three channels to get the evidences: firstly, to obtain the infringement sample and the invoices/receipts by purchasing the involved commodity from the infringer; secondly, to get the evidence with the support of the local notary office (strongly recommended, as it is timely and the evidence is of stronger evidential effect; and thirdly, to request the court to preserve the evidence. The 2nd and 3rd are recommended for the sake of evidential authenticity and effect.

Generally speaking, the infringee needs to represent the following evidences to the authority:

a. the identity certificate of the right holder (passport or business license);

b. proof of title of the involved IP right,i.e.patent or trade mark certificate, etc;

c. the business registration information or the personal identity information of the infringer;

d. the facts of infringement (including the commodity concerning

infringement, the sales invoices, the relevant notary document, etc.);

e. the payment evidence for the commodity and relative expenses for stopping the infringement spent by the right holder, and proof for the economic loss caused by the infringement;

f. the searching report for the utility model patent;

g. if pre-litigation injunction or property freezing order is applied, the preliminary evidence for irretrievable loss in case of failure of immediate measures shall also be provided.

We hope that this short article at least points out the direction for you to go while confronting IP infringements, and detailed information are always available at Brighteous Law Firm.

Useful Information:

Yiwu IP Complaint Service Center: 12312

Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Bureau: 0571-85212145, http://www.zjpat.gov.cn

Trade Mark Division of Zhejiang Provincial Industry and Commerce Bureau: 0571-88385246

Yiwu Industry and Commerce Bureau: http://www.ywgs.com/web/ywaic/

Yiwu International Trade City: http://www.yiwuitc.com/

Yiwu Notary Division: 0579-85328526



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